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Activities for All Ages


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Whole Church
In the Summer of 2014, we went to Queen Elizabeth Park for a Big Day Out. Check out the link to see how much fun we had! We've also had some very successful film nights and skittles evenings at the Old School. See our Events list on the home page for more information on things coming up.
As well as our activities during Sunday services, we have a mid-week group called Coffee Plus. This is our group for pre-school age children, and it runs every Wednesday morning from 10.30am to 12pm in the Old School, even in school holidays.
Its a great opportunity to meet and chat with friends while the children play, and Claire drops in with her guitar to sing songs. We make sure mums, dads, grandparents and child minders have got a cup of tea and some cake too!
Primary Age
In addition to our great activities on a Sunday for Primary school age children (See 'Services'), we have activities in the school holidays called Christmas Buzz, Easter Buzz, and a whole week of Holiday Club during the Summer. These dates are in our Newsletter, and booking forms are also available on the website in the weeks preceding the events.
Our newest venture is Messy Church, which this term is meeting every 3rd Thursday in Old School. All welcome - see the Home page for dates.
We love young people attending and getting involved in our Sunday services, and they have their own time together as well at our Youth Group on a Sunday evening. This meets locally in term time from 7.30 - 9pm to chill, chat and eat pizza!
Our young people get involved in lots of different activities - fundraising and making a difference in our local area....
In addition to our services and whole church events, we have events which are aimed specifically at ladies and men. The ladies meet for breakfasts and Bible study, and also curry nights, pizza nights and pudding evenings - are we sensing a food connection here...? We've recently started up a Knit & Natter group which is proving popular with experts and novices alike!
The men also meet for occasional evening Bible studies, and have their own social events such as quiz night, brewery tours with curry, karting etc. See our newsletter for Fellaship events.
Of course our events are open to all ages, but we also arrange activites which are particularly aimed at those who have reached retirement age. Our fellowship lunches are held every second Tuesday in the Old School, from 12.30pm to 2pm. All are welcome for a soup & bread lunch, with lots of opportunities to chat with friends, and make new friends too.
The Jamboree Club meets three times a year, with visiting speakers, quizzes and afternoon tea. The dates are given in our Newsletter, which is available on the Home page.
Men's Curry
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