Weddings at St. Paul's
Weddings are very special services and we love doing weddings at St. Paul's! For everyone getting married in church, it is an opportunity to invite God to bless their marriage and to be with them day by day throughout their married life. We pray for the couple and agree to support them too. This is a great start to this stage in their relationship. And for some couples, getting married in St. Paul's will be particularly special as their family may have been married here in the past.
To support couples preparing for marriage we run a marriage preparation day each year. This covers some really helpful practical thoughts on relationships and gives an opportunity to discuss some of the more difficult aspects (with each other - not as a group!). We have found that all couples have found it a useful time to reflect - something we don't often manage to do!
We have a hall on our site (The Old School) and you are welcome to see if it is available for hire for your reception after the service. See 'Hall Hire' under the 'Contact Us' menu.

How do I qualify to get married at St Pauls?
Anyone who lives in the parish of Tongham qualifies (please note that some houses with Tongham in their address are in Ash Parish - the sign for Tongham shows the border at Elm Lane). You may also qualify to get married at St. Paul's if:
you were baptised in the church;
you have been confirmed and your conformation is entered in the church register at St. Paul's;
your parents or grandparents were married in the church;
you have lived in the parish for at least 6 months at some point during your lifetime;
one of your parents has lived in the parish for at least 6 months during your lifetime;
you have attended services in the church for at least 6 months;
one of your parents has attended services in the church for at least 6 months during your lifetime.
How can I find out more?
Contact the Church Office if you are not sure, and we can let you know if you qualify. (See 'Office' under the 'Contact Us' menu). We can then send you a Wedding Pack, which has lots of useful information and includes a Banns form. The Banns form needs to be completed and sent back, along with a deposit for £60 to make a firm booking. Claire will arrange to meet with you to discuss further details.
What if I've been married before?
We take a decision on whether to marry someone who has been married before on a case by case basis, complying with the Church of England guidelines. If one of you has been married before, the first step, before booking a wedding, will be to meet with Claire to go through the guidelines and she will then need to make a request to the Bishop. When this process is complete booking will continue as above.
Service of Marriage Blessing
For some people, either because of being married before, or due to other circumstances, they may prefer to consider a marriage blessing (to follow a civil service elsewhere). This is a lovely alternative to a marriage service and to book this or discuss what it involves please contact Claire (See 'Contact Us').