St Paul's Celebrated
25th January 2016
......was the 150th anniversary of the consecration of our church, and we enjoyed a very special year celebrating with the community of Tongham.
We started by remembering that the people of Tongham used to walk to St Lawrence's Church in Seale, over the Hogs Back, and in all weathers - not much fun for the very young or the elderly! On Sunday 13th September last year, we did the same walk to St Lawrence's, some of us in Victorian dress. Find out more about our day below.....

Anniversary Celebrations - 24/25 January
On Sunday 24th January, we had a very special service at St Paul's to celebrate our 150th Anniversary, attended by the Bishop of Guildford, the Right Revd Andrew Watson, and followed by a delicious roast lunch.
Then on Monday 25th, we had day of celebration in the Church and the Old School. The children from the current St Paul's School attended to see how school was run in Victorian times, and there were lots of displays, including weddings at St Paul's going way back into the last century...!
Victorian Fayre - 21 May
We had a great afternoon at our Victorian Fayre in May, and enjoyed the traditional games, plant sales, a beer tent and delicious teas. We were also entertained by the Phoenix Choir, and there was even a Punch & Judy show. Despite the rain, Tongham village turned out in numbers to support this event - thank you!!