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Our Vision

Our vision statement underpins all that we do here at St Paul's:








We continue to explore what this mean for us as a church! Our focus recently has been on how we help people to encounter God in their lives, in our church services and in our community. 

This has had some exciting consequences! It has helped focus our services and we have been encouraged as we have shared more about our experience of God in our daily lives. We have carried out our first CAP finance planning course for the community, in response to discussions about how we could support the work of the local children's centre.


Our Church Development Plan for 2018/2019 is:


To encourage growth as we help all ages to encounter God both in church services and in the wider community.

We have been exploring how we can be even better at welcoming new people (we are pretty good now, but have highlighted a few things that could help us be even better!). We even went and visited other churches to see how they welcome and what it feels like to be a visitor!

And we are looking at how we can take the next steps to help us continue to grow in our faith and grow as a community.

© St Paul's Church Tongham

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