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Mission 2017

During 2017 we will be supporting the following organisations through regular giving:






Water Aid is an international non-governmental organisation who's mission is to transform lives by imporving access to safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation in the world's poorest communities.

Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice offers Specialist Palliative Care to those facing the end of their life and to those who love and care for them, serving a population of 600,000 across West Surrey and North East Hampshire.

Every day they support over 100 patients and carers in their homes, the community and the hospice. Just under 16% of their funding comes from the NHS, less than half the national average. All their services are free of charge, but it costs over £10,000 a day to offer such an exceptional standard of medical care and support.



BVS-Nepal Programmes:  BVS-Nepal is providing medical treatment, counselling, physiotherapy and nutritional support for burns patients, and recreational activities for the children in the Burn Ward at Kanti Bhildren's Hospital.  Support has also been given to many patients for plastic and reconstructive surgery.  Campaigns are also being run to increase local public awareness about burns issues.  A high proportion of Nepalese women are suffering from domestic violence, with only about a quarter seeking medical support, and even less than this seeking legal justice.  Radio is the best way to reach as many people as possible, even those in remote areas.  Jingles are used to help to get across the messages, which are aimed at two main goals - to help people protect themselves against fire danger, and to stop violence against women.


Find out more about the work of BVS-Nepal at their website:


National Mission Commision of Nepal:   The National Mission Commision of Nepal are working to bring together the different denominations of the church in Nepal, and to train and equip people to reach out to people in all of Nepal's cities.  For example, in 2009 they started a slum ministry providing a safe place where the children can go, to receive education and food, and where they can learn about Jesus. Ram Prasad works for them, and there is a short video where he talks about their ministry - do watch it!

Keep up to date through their Facebook page

Ram Prasad talks about his ministry.

Blythswood Care

Since 1966, Blythswood Care has combined the Christian message with practical help for those in need. Whether through filled shoeboxes at Christmas, relief and development aid or social projects for young and old, Blythswood brings hope to thousands in Europe, Africa and Asia. Blythswood is committed to long-term care projects in Romania, enabling disadvantaged children and young people fulfil their potential.  


St Paul's Church participated in Blythswood Care's Christmas shoebox appeal in December 2015.


For more information, go to

Health Clinic in Kajo-Keji, South Sudan

After years of war, South Sudan has just 1 doctor per 100,000 people! 1 in 7 mothers die of pregnancy related causes. And with less than 100 kilometres of tarmac in the whole country, access to basic healthcare is exceedingly challenging!


Medic Assist International is an organisation whose vision is to bring healthcare to people around the world who need it most, so transforming communities suffering oppression or discrimination.  MAI works with local partners on their projects so they’re sustainable for years to come.  These projects are based on Christian values: equality of all people, compassion for the weak and vulnerable and working with integrity and transparency

MedicAssist International Website

Bishop Anthony's visit to St Paul's

© St Paul's Church Tongham

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